Family Getaway To The Capital City


While considering the list of places to visit for Eid break, we decided to explore more of Abu Dhabi, the capital city.We found activities the whole family loved, and it brought us all closer together trying out new things in this gorgeous and exciting place!

Family Friendly Full Day Tours Popular Attractions



Trip highlights

  • iconEnjoying the view around Saadiyat Beach
  • iconExploring the Emirates park zoo
  • Day 1 : Enjoying the view around Saadiyat Beach

    For our first day in Abu Dhabi, we wanted to enjoy a taste of the beach life. We’d been told Saadiyat Beach was one of the best beaches in the UAE and after numerous recommendations, decided that would be the place for us. Once we arrived, the immaculate white sands welcomed us to the plentiful shore. We could see some people doing yoga on one end while on the other, there were windsurfing and sailing lessons. The kids took off running toward the water sports area, so we followed along. It really is much harder than it looks, but so much fun After trying windsurfing out, we stayed on dry land to wander the beautiful area. The dunes and natural environment are protected, which meant we could see the native wildlife thriving, including the endangered Hawksbill turtles. None of us spoke as we watched them move slowly on the sands. We’ve never seen anything so amazing .

    Activities Included


    Day 2 : Fun day at the Emirates Park Zoo

    Emirates Park Zoo: Emirates Park Zoo would be nothing short of a hidden gem for animal lovers. It boasts the distinction of being one of Dubai’s first private zoos. A wide range of activities is provided here, including animal sighting sessions and a gaming section. As my daughter is at the age where she is learning the alphabet, I thought that a trip to the zoo would be perfect dad-daughter time. There are some animals with which you can click pictures, pet them, and spend time with them. I think such an amazing experience like this is what makes this zoo so famous. The zoo is the ideal size, not too vast, and the animals are given enough space so that they do not feel caged. We got really excited when weI got to know that we can feed animals - at the entry gate you can get some leaves and animal feed, and it only cost me 5 AED. We fed a giraffe, camel, zebra, and several other animals. Birds such as owls are also brought out for interaction or photo sessions with kids. During our colourful time at the zoo in the evening, among other things, there was an event with parrots, rose-breasted cockatoos, and blue golden macaws showcased playfully. Emirates Park Zoo, home to many species, is a great place to learn about Dubai’s nature. We watched animal performances in two different theatres while learning about their various habitats and ecosystems. There was also an African music show and a magic display that one can attend but my daughter was happiest just staring at the animals and running around. Later the day we also went to the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, oh! Unbelievable.

    Activities Included

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